According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, you should consider having your ducts cleaned if you say yes to one or all of these criteria:
Continue ReadingThis issue happens more often than not with older furnaces, and it could be a sign you are ready to upgrade your Bremerton home’s heating and cooling system with a new model. At the 10-year mark, furnaces start to lose efficiency and begin breaking down more frequently.
Continue ReadingWinter on the Kitsap Peninsula is typically less severe than in other parts of the country, but with our chilly days and nippy nights, we still expect our Port Orchard, homes to be warm and toasty.
Continue ReadingWinter is here. That means your family will be spending more time indoors to stay warm. Let’s face it: running your furnace gets expensive.
Continue ReadingJust like your lungs are an important connection to the rest of your respiratory system, your home’s ductwork, or air ducts, are importantly connected to your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. For your HVAC system—and your lungs—to perform at peak level, the numerous airways need to be open and clear. All in the name of breathing properly.
Continue ReadingWinter in Washington can be unpredictable, but your furnace shouldn’t be. You count on it to keep you warm through freezing temperatures, rain, and snow. When it balks at doing its job, your Bremerton-area home can quickly go from cozy to cold.
Continue ReadingThe average furnace lasts between 10 and 15 years. But did you know you can take steps to make it last longer? There is no shortcut or hack to increase your furnace’s longevity.
Continue ReadingWhat do you think of when you hear about air pollution? You might immediately imagine a giant cloud of smoke, cars spewing exhaust, or a trash incinerator—but have you ever thought about your own home in Bremerton?
Continue ReadingHere in Washington, we’ve reached the season that makes you say, “Gosh, it’s so dark out. Is it really only six in the evening?”
Continue ReadingIf your furnace is producing a strange smell, you should always treat it with caution. While the cause for the odor may be benign, it could just as easily be harmful to inhale. When in doubt, always open windows to ensure ventilation, and evacuate your Bremerton home.
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